One of the most important tropical products, Coconut is available  in various forms such as
"Coconut Milk" from high fat coconut kernel variety or "Coconut Water" from fragrant coconut : Nam-Hom variety or "Desiccated Coconut" from coconut flesh 

Coconut milk is made by purely pressing grated coconut white meat or with hot water to dilute fat content as required.  Available in various fat content and packing size 
Fat  Content :   5-7% (light), 12-14%, 14-16%, 
17-18% (milk), 20-22% (cream) or 29-30% 
Packing Size :  165 ml tin, 400 ml tin, 2900 ml tin,
250 ml UHT and 1000 ml UHT
Coconut Juice is made from purely fragrant coconut water 

For Retail      :  50% coconut drink and 100% coconut juice,
with/without  coconut pulp added
Packing Size  :  300 ml, 350 ml, 520 ml  tin and 1000 ml in Tetra pak

For Industry  :  Aseptic coconut water (NFC),
Frozen coconut juice concentrate 30 Brix or 60 Brix

Packing Size  :  23 kg Aseptic bag in carton , 200 Litres
Aseptic bag in steel drum and 200 Litres frozen packed in PP/PE bag in steel drum
Desiccated Coconut is made from shredded coconut flesh, , following a thorough drying process to remove moisture content.

Application    :  Confectionery and bakery

Fat content     : Low  (20-30%)

Grade             :  Coarse, Medium and Fine Grade

Packing Size  :  20 kg or 25 kg in kraft paper bag
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